Friday, July 24, 2015

As Polite As I Can Be: A Liberal Critique of Texas Fred

On July 13th, 2015 Texas Fred posted an article on his blog titled “Lindsey Graham: Donald Trump is ‘Going to Kill My Party’.” This article is a brash, broad condemnation of virtually every Republican (and Democrat, implicitly and explicitly) in office. Fred’s intended audience is, very obviously, a narrow sect of fundamentalist conservatives, and he shows this in his calling even the Republican senators “co-conspirators,” “traitors,” “RINOs” (Republican In Name Only), and by implying that Democratic, or liberal majorities, left to their own devices would succumb the US to “Marxist rule.” Before I get ahead of myself, Fred’s argument is that the Republicans in office are ruining this country by being liberally minded, or “Dem Lite.” 

It was difficult to pick out exactly what this man was trying to get at because he shamelessly throws around accusations without any specific references to bills passed or votes cast. He claims that the “career politicians have caused the Democrats and Republicans to stand as ONE,” and that “[i]t’s time we went back to being AMERICA and not some sniveling, politically correct dung heap that BOTH Parties have turned us into.” This blogger states that he “believe[s] that Liberalism is a mental disorder” and repeatedly uses the word “Libtard” in his auto-biography on his blog page, to give you an idea of the type of person he is. It was almost physically painful for me to read this article in its entirety. This man does not come from a place of logic, he comes from a place of ignorance and perceived superiority. This article is awash with grammatical errors, useless caps lock, and hate. It is clear to me that this article is simply pandering to like-(closed)minded people, and has no real substance what-so-ever.

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